Saturday 15 September 2018

BAW!! #6 Blink AN Led competition: BlinkIR

Ok time to really go for it, I discovered that Mouser an electronic component distributor and Macrofab an electronics manufacture with a down to earth approach, are running a competition to design a board to blink a LED, called Blink An LED.

I'll try to post as much of the process of concept and design as I go, the full posts, files and documentation is available at also this project will have a separate repository for the time being until iIadd the finished version to the main board a week repo.

I finally have the boards and making them up slightly outside of the competition deadline, finally made some up.

The biggest relief was getting them to program. 

And then them blinking. 
I will pull this project into the main Board a week repo as soon as I can. In the meantime the project can be found here:

And the full write up here: